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When it comes to postpartum care, the majority of mothers are sent home with nothing more than a peri bottle and instructions to “rest.” You’re left to navigate your recovery entirely on your own, without any insight into how pregnancy and delivery will impact your health in the future.


The traditional healthcare system provides better rehab protocols for sprained ankles than mothers after birth.

This is no longer acceptable.


It’s time we support mothers in their healing.


Our signature, doctor-led postpartum rehabilitation series,
the GrowCo Postpartum Rehab Series


This may be covered by your extended benefits*

You need to have an initial assessment if you haven't already had one.


What to expect from the GrowCo Postpartum Program?

✔ gain confidence & strength 
✔ heal diastasis recti (ab separation) 
✔improve posture
✔ reduce or resolve unwanted leaks 
✔ prevent, improve or resolve pelvic organ prolapse 
✔ build lean muscle


Next Programs Run 

JULY 22nd 2x/ week

6 weeks // 12 sessions

Monday + Thursday @ 10 am

The doctor-led rehab classes inside this program infuse education with the best movements for your body after baby. We'll dive into everything necessary to set you up for physical, mental & emotional health across the decades!


Women everywhere are left with undiagnosed and unresolved issues associated with pregnancy and childbirth, leading to major issues down the line.

We’re saying ENOUGH.

It’s time to level up.

GROWCO is a postpartum rehabilitation plan that empower women to control their healing and long-term health through:
⭐️Breath work
⭐️Postural strengthening
⭐️Deep core awareness + activation
⭐️Glute strengthening


Achy muscles, low back and pelvic pain, fatigue, depression, brain fog: these are just some of the symptoms that people tend to dismiss during motherhood. Important postnatal indicators are shrugged off as something that “comes with the territory” of being a mother.

It’s our job to empower women to treat their bodies the same way they did during pregnancy. With love, care and compassion—not as a consequence for having a baby.

This is the GROWCO Postpartum care.

How to sign up?

Class Sign Up


Sign up through the link and we will be in touch to complete registration.

After each class you attend in person you will receive a receipt for chiropractic services that you can submit to your insurance provider. 

If you are unable to attend a class you will be given a pre-recorded class so that you do not miss anything!


Next Programs Run 

JULY 22nd 2x/ week

6 weeks // 12 sessions

Monday + Thursday @ 10 am

Little ones are always welcome to join you in our class!

The doctor-led rehab classes inside this program infuse education with the best movements for your body after baby. We'll dive into everything necessary to set you up for physical, mental & emotional health across the decades!


- wellness grows here -

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